
Healing Communities

These 2 words summed up the philosophy behind why we do what we do, to bring healing and hope to our beneficiaries. At Teen Challenge, we reach out to offer solutions to the pressing needs of the marginalised in our community. We believe in the potential in each life. We provide inspirational and quality rehabilitative/therapeutic programmes to set the oppressed free, through the uniqueness of the human touch and the awareness of God. Our philosophies are 3 Folds: Redemptive Love, Relational Confrontation and Re-Learning Habit Patterns.

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Redemptive Love

We believe in “agape”, the God’s kind of love that knows no boundaries and each staff member is empowered to demonstrate the redeeming love of God to every beneficiary. This unconditional love from God touches a cold heart and brings about a desire for change and for Kingdom living. It is the kind of love that motivates the beneficiary to let go of all manner of sin (hate, anger, bitterness, hurts, resentment, etc.) and help bring him/her into meaningful relationships, with a desire and ability to be loved and give love in return.

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Relational Confrontation

Redemptive love within our ‘Healing Communities’ is communicated through a quality of ‘toughness’ – a love that cares enough to confront any inappropriate behaviour with the truth without fear. It is ‘tough love’ and at Teen Challenge, we refer to it as ‘relational confrontation.’

Relational Confrontation is based on the basic building block of Teen Challenge as a ‘family’, which is why we address each other as ‘brother’ or ‘sister’. Each member is valued and will be confronted in love when necessary. It is not ‘fault finding’ but correcting discrepancies that individuals display while on the road to change and recovery. We are reminded in Proverbs 27:6, ‘Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy’.