Drug & Alcohol Recovery Centre (DARE Centre) is a Christian halfway house and residential care centre for male adults who need help in overcoming substance and behavioural addictions. It is a therapeutic environment which provides holistic programme for residents to work through their various life-controlling problems.
Emphasis is focused on spiritual development through prayers, the reading and studying of Scriptures. In addition, work therapy takes place on a regular basis to inculcate positive work attitude. Residents are assigned various responsibilities and tasks to equip them with the necessary life skills for their reintegration into the community. Those eligible for work phase have the opportunity to develop carpentry skills in the refurbishing of antique furniture in TC Woodworks or TC Movers through our Social Enterprises.
Admission to DARE Centre is through mandated prison programme, walk in or referrals.
Referrals can be made through counsellors, social workers, churches, the Community Court or family members of individual who require residential intervention and a highly structured rehabilitative programme. A minimum stay of 12 months is required for referrals and walk-in clients.
Throughout their residency, transformation is brought about through the following Curriculum:
• Positive Lifestyle and Critical Coping Skills
• Anger Management
• Understanding Substances and Behavioural Addictions
• 3. S.T.E.P.S. (Solutions To Every Problem Sober)
• S.O.U.L. Programme
• 3 Ps on Power, Praise and Prayer
• Bible Training & Weekly Chapel Services